Being Over Insured is A Big Waste of Money
Many people didn't realize that they purchase insurances with same kind of coverage. Most of them didn't read the policies thoroughly so they end up having similar coverage. This similar coverage can be eliminated to save more money for savings. Here is the example coverage that have similar type. By reading your existed policy thoroughly, you can avoid waste money for similar coverage.
Individual and Group Life Insurance
Purchasing life insurance means protection for the survivor from financial loss when the family member (insured) die. Life insurance have several products such as term life, permanent coverage and universal life. Employers also offer life insurance for their employees in group term life insurance. Group insurance usually cheaper than individual life insurance, the employee also get premium subsidies as a benefit package from the employer. Group life policies typically don't need medical examination, so the employee get more benefit than buying life insurance individually. Group policy itself might be enough to protect a family from financial loss although group policies
are relatively small and only pay two or three times employee's salary. If you think group policy is more than enough for your family, then you don't have to buy individual life insurance. But you also have freedom to combine group and individual life insurance if you need it.
Rental Car
Rental car company usually offer a coverage when you rent a vehicle on vacation, so if there is damage to the vehicle, you will not responsible to pay the damage. However, the coverage is quite expensive and thus increasing the daily rental price. In addition, the rental car company seems to force the customer by giving warning about liability you will face if you don't purchase the coverage. If you have car insurance, whether it's collision or comprehensive type, you might be able to avoid purchasing rental car coverage. Rental car coverage might be included in your exist coverage. Before rent a vehicle, you need to read your policy again, it's better to examine it several days before. Or you can ask your agent and get explanation from them. After that, you can compare your coverage with the rental car company offered policy. The rental car company should have detailed information regarding damage and other options which you can search it on their website.
Another option is credit card. When you use your credit card to rent a vehicle, you can get limited coverage on rental car damage. Though not all credit card company offer a coverage, but you can check with your credit card company. By doing so, you can avoid wasting money on vacation for something you might not need.
When buying certain products, you are often offered, with pressure, an extended warranty by the retailers. This warranty will extend the manufacturer's standard warranty (90 or 180 days) and mostly expensive. If you purchase the product with your credit card, you don't need extended warranty. Because some credit card companies also offer extended warranties when customers purchase with their cards.
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