Understanding Group Life Insurance

by - Saturday, May 06, 2017

Employers usually offer group term life insurance for their employee. The employers are required by law (while some state might not require) to provide a basic amount of life insurance in group without burdening their employees financial. They also offer their employee to purchase additional coverage for their spouse and/or children by reducing their salaries to pay the premium. 

The amount in group life insurance coverage plan varies and differ depends on employee's position. Managerial and executive employee have bigger benefits than lower level employee. It is always important to read the coverage document thoroughly to understand what amount and kinds of compensation are actually covered. Group plans usually only cover basic salary. The plans usually exclude other compensation that is reported as income like bonus, incentive, commission and so on. 

The premium rates also differ depends on employee's age and health. If the employees are young and healthy, the group coverage is generally cheaper than older employees. However, all eligible employees are automatically covered in a group plan aside from their health condition. The premium is also determined by the overall employees and the amounts are raise gradually within certain age, for example, 30, 35, 40 and so on. Since it's a group plan, an employee who have a good health could help to subsidize other employee who less healthy or ineligible employee.

In order to be covered, employees need to meet the eligibility requirements although coverage in group plans for employees are automatic. There are various requirement, for example work hours and the duration the employee start working in the company. Employee can purchase additional coverage during open enrollment periods. Purchasing life insurance or health insurance, if any, through open enrollment periods have certain benefits. The underwriting process are way simpler and you might get a good price as well. The insurance carriers will decide whether you can be covered with additional coverage or not.

Take a note that group coverage is linked to employment. If someone quit their jobs or retire, the coverage will ends automatically. The insurer may offer you to convert your group coverage to individual policy. It may require new underwriting and usually have higher premium. 

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