Insurance Case in Real Life: The Benefit of Comprehensive Insurance

by - Sunday, April 09, 2017

Comprehensive insurance cover your car from physical damage caused by anything except collision, such as natural disaster, animal, vandalism, theft , and so on. In this case, Jessica Wilkinson lives in a suburban in state "C" where natural disasters like tornado and hail often occur. She has a car that often used for work. However, she doesn't have any insurance for her car. Wilkinson think she won't need any automobile insurance like liability insurance, collision insurance or comprehensive insurance, at least not yet. She always think that she can drive safely and carefully. Even though hail or tornado occur several times, she always park her car inside her garage. She thought that's a proper preparation. Not until hail come with heavy rain for an hour or two. The area where Wilkinson lived flooded and so her house with no exception her garage. She suffer damage not only for her house but also her car. The repair cost for her car is expensive. Her car need new engine and carpet replacement. The car also has electrical damage. Wilkinson has to pay more than $5,000 for the car repair cost out-of-pocket. She also has to pay the house damage repair cost. 

Wilkinson's story will be different if she purchased at least comprehensive insurance, it will be better if she also had property insurance. Comprehensive insurance will help Wilkinson to pay the car repair cost and cut down her expenses so that she can use the budget for fixing her house. Jessica Wilkinson need to consider purchasing comprehensive insurance since she lives in a prone area. Comprehensive insurance seems insignificant but it will help in cutting down unexpected expense. 

In different case, Marie Sue own comprehensive insurance for her car. One day, her car dented when parked in a shopping mall parking lot. Apparently, the other car driver who hit Sue's car run off from the site. Since she has comprehensive insurance, her insurer pay the car repair cost. Having insurance definitely give several benefits, it's better to prepare than sorry. 

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